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the warp and the weft

  • 1 interlacing the warp and weft threads

    English-Russian dictionary on textile and sewing industry > interlacing the warp and weft threads

  • 2 warp

    I 1. [wo:p] verb
    1) (to make or become twisted out of shape: The door has been warped by all the rain we've had lately.) empenar
    2) (to cause to think or act in an abnormal way: His experiences had warped his judgement/mind.) deformar
    2. noun
    (the shape into which something is twisted by warping: The rain has given this wood a permanent warp.) deformação
    II [wo:p] noun
    (usually with the) the set of threads lying lengthwise in a loom during weaving (the other being the weft [weft]). urdidura
    * * *
    [wɔ:p] n 1 Weav urdidura, urdimento, urdume. 2 empenamento, arqueamento (de tábua, prancha, etc.). 3 aberração, deformação mental. 4 Naut espia, toa, calabrote. 5 Geol depósito aluvial. 6 fundação, base. • vt+vi 1 empenar, arquear, entortar (prancha, tábua). 2 aberrar, deformar. 3 perverter, desvirtuar, deitar a perder. 4 interpretar mal, deturpar (o sentido), distorcer. 5 Aeron deformar, empenar (asa). 6 Naut espiar, alar (a espia). 7 Weav urdir (a trama). warp and woof/ weft a) Weav urdidura e trama. b) base.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > warp

  • 3 Warp Sateen

    Cloth woven with the 5-end warp satin weave. The weaver would put four-fifths of the warp on the face, but this preponderance of warp is increased by weaving more ends than picks per inch, say 160 ends per inch of 60's warp, and 72 picks per inch of 40's weft. Many of these cloths are ornamented with good style jacquard weft figuring, and makes vary considerably from about 150 ends and 76 picks per inch, 50's warp, 30's weft, to 110 ends and 68 picks per inch, 2/60's warp, 28's weft.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Warp Sateen

  • 4 Warp Ribs

    Cloth in which the weft is thicker than the warp or in which two or more picks are put in the same shed so that they lie straight and cause the warp ends to bend around them, thus forming ribs in the cloth from selvedge to selvedge. In such cloths there are usually three or four times as many warp ends as picks per inch, so that the weft is completely covered.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Warp Ribs

  • 5 warp

    1. intransitive verb
    (become bent) sich verbiegen; [Holz, Schallplatte:] sich verziehen
    2. transitive verb
    2) (fig.): (pervert) verformen; verbiegen

    warpedgetrübt [Urteilsvermögen]; pervertiert [Denken, Gehirn]

    3. noun
    (Weaving) Kettfaden, der
    * * *
    I 1. [wo:p] verb
    1) (to make or become twisted out of shape: The door has been warped by all the rain we've had lately.) (sich) verziehen
    2) (to cause to think or act in an abnormal way: His experiences had warped his judgement/mind.) nachteilig beeinflussen
    2. noun
    (the shape into which something is twisted by warping: The rain has given this wood a permanent warp.) die Krümmung
    - academic.ru/93631/warped">warped
    II [wo:p] noun
    (usually with the) the set of threads lying lengthwise in a loom during weaving (the other being the weft [weft]). die Kettenfäden (pl.)
    * * *
    [wɔ:p, AM wɔ:rp]
    I. vi wood sich akk verziehen
    II. vt
    1. (bend)
    to \warp sth wood etw verziehen
    2. ( fig: pervert)
    to \warp sb jdn [seelisch] verbiegen
    the whole affair \warped him so much, he's now unable to start another relationship er ist von der ganzen Sache seelisch so angeknackst, dass er jetzt keine andere Beziehung eingehen kann fam
    to \warp sb's mind jds Charakter verderben
    III. n
    1. (in wood) verzogene Stelle
    there is a \warp in the shelf das Regal ist verzogen
    to have a \warp in one's character einen verbogenen [o fam verkorksten] Charakter haben
    to have a \warp in one's way of looking at things die Dinge verzerrt sehen, einen Knick in der Optik haben fam
    3. (in space travel)
    time \warp Zeitverwerfung f
    we've flown into a time \warp wir haben uns in Zeit und Raum verloren
    4. no pl (threads) Kette f, Kettfäden pl
    \warp and weft Kette und Schuss
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (in weaving) Kette f
    2) (in wood etc) Welle f

    the warp makes it impossible to use this wooddas Holz ist zu verzogen or wellig, als dass man es noch verwenden könnte

    3) (= towing cable) Schleppleine f

    (of mind) hatred of his mother had given his mind an evil warp — der Hass, den er gegen seine Mutter hegte, hatte seinen ganzen Charakter entstellt or verbogen

    2. vt
    wood wellig werden lassen, wellen; character verbiegen, entstellen; judgement verzerren; (AVIAT) verwinden
    3. vi
    (wood) sich wellen, sich verziehen, sich werfen
    * * *
    warp [wɔː(r)p]
    A v/t
    1. Holz etc verziehen, werfen, krümmen, FLUG Tragflächen verwinden
    2. jemanden, jemandes Charakter verformen, verbiegen, jemandes Urteil verfälschen
    3. a) verleiten ( into zu)
    b) abbringen ( from von)
    4. eine Tatsache etc entstellen, verdrehen, -zerren
    5. SCHIFF ein Schiff (an der Warpleine) fortziehen, bugsieren, verholen
    6. AGR Land
    a) mit Schlamm düngen
    b) auch warp up verschlammen
    7. Weberei: die Kette (an)scheren
    8. MATH, TECH verdrehen, -winden
    B v/i
    1. sich werfen oder verziehen oder verbiegen oder krümmen, krumm werden (Holz etc)
    2. Weberei: (an)scheren, zetteln
    3. fig sich verformen oder verbiegen (Charakter)
    C s
    1. Verwerfung f, Verziehen n, Verkrümmung f (von Holz etc)
    2. fig Verformtheit f, Verbogenheit f (des Charakters)
    3. fig Entstellung f, Verzerrung f, Verdrehung f
    4. Weberei: Kette f, Kettfäden pl, Zettel m:
    warp and woof Kette und Schuss m
    5. SCHIFF Warpleine f
    6. GEOL Schlick m
    * * *
    1. intransitive verb
    (become bent) sich verbiegen; [Holz, Schallplatte:] sich verziehen
    2. transitive verb
    2) (fig.): (pervert) verformen; verbiegen

    warpedgetrübt [Urteilsvermögen]; pervertiert [Denken, Gehirn]

    3. noun
    (Weaving) Kettfaden, der
    * * *
    entstellen v.
    entstellt werden ausdr.
    krumm werden ausdr.
    krümmen v.
    mit Schlamm düngen ausdr.
    sich krümmen v.
    verdrehen v.
    verdreht werden ausdr.
    verfälschen v.
    verschlammen v.
    verwinden (Tragflächen) v.
    verzerren (Tatsache) v.
    verziehen v.
    werfen (Holz) v. n.
    Entstellung f.
    Kette -n f.
    Neigung -en (Gestalt) f.
    Schlamm -e m.
    Schlammablagerung f.
    Schlick -e m.
    Verkrümmung f.
    Verwerfung f.
    Verzerrung f.
    Verziehen (von Holz) n.
    Zettel - (Weberei) m.

    English-german dictionary > warp

  • 6 warp

    I [wɔːp]
    1) (in wood, metal) deformazione f., incurvatura f. (in di)
    2) tess. ordito m.
    3) fig.
    II 1. [wɔːp]
    1) (deform) deformare [ metal]; incurvare, imbarcare [ wood]
    2) fig. (distort) deformare [ mind]; distorcere [judgment, thinking]
    verbo intransitivo deformarsi; [ wood] imbarcarsi
    * * *
    I 1. [wo:p] verb
    1) (to make or become twisted out of shape: The door has been warped by all the rain we've had lately.)
    2) (to cause to think or act in an abnormal way: His experiences had warped his judgement/mind.)
    2. noun
    (the shape into which something is twisted by warping: The rain has given this wood a permanent warp.)
    II [wo:p] noun
    (usually with the) the set of threads lying lengthwise in a loom during weaving (the other being the weft [weft]).
    * * *
    1. n
    (in weaving) ordito, (of wood) curvatura, deformazione f
    2. vt
    (wood) deformare, curvare, (fig: mind, personality, judgment) influenzare negativamente
    3. vi
    (wood) deformarsi, curvarsi
    * * *
    warp /wɔ:p/
    1 [u] (ind. tess.) ordito
    2 curvatura; deformazione ( del legname, ecc.); inarcamento; distorsione
    3 (fig.) deviazione dalla normalità; inclinazione al vizio; pervertimento
    5 (geol.) deformazione
    6 [u] (geol.) sedimento alluvionale
    7 (scient.) curvatura, distorsione ( dello spazio, del tempo): space and time warp, curvatura spazio-temporale
    ● (ind. tess.) warp beam, subbio dell'ordito □ (tecn.) warp knitting, maglieria catena ( processo) □ (scherz., fam.) warp speed, velocità warp (velocità fantascientifica, altissima).
    (to) warp /wɔ:p/
    A v. t.
    1 curvare; storcere; distorcere; deformare: The excessive heat had warped the planks, il caldo eccessivo aveva distorto le assi
    2 (fig.) pervertire; guastare, viziare: a judgement warped by self-interest, un giudizio viziato dall'interesse personale
    3 (comput.) alterare, distorcere
    5 (ind. tess.) ordire
    7 (aeron.) svergolare
    B v. i.
    1 curvarsi; inarcarsi; storcersi; distorcersi; deformarsi: Seasoned timber won't warp, il legname stagionato non si deforma
    2 (fig.: dell'animo, della mente) alterarsi; guastarsi
    3 (aeron.) svergolarsi
    ● (naut.) to warp a ship astern, tonneggiarsi di poppa □ a warped account, un resoconto distorto; un travisamento dei fatti.
    * * *
    I [wɔːp]
    1) (in wood, metal) deformazione f., incurvatura f. (in di)
    2) tess. ordito m.
    3) fig.
    II 1. [wɔːp]
    1) (deform) deformare [ metal]; incurvare, imbarcare [ wood]
    2) fig. (distort) deformare [ mind]; distorcere [judgment, thinking]
    verbo intransitivo deformarsi; [ wood] imbarcarsi

    English-Italian dictionary > warp

  • 7 warp

    1. wo:p verb
    1) (to make or become twisted out of shape: The door has been warped by all the rain we've had lately.) deformar; (madera) alabear, combar
    2) (to cause to think or act in an abnormal way: His experiences had warped his judgement/mind.) deformar, pervertir

    2. noun
    (the shape into which something is twisted by warping: The rain has given this wood a permanent warp.) alabeo; deformación

    II wo:p noun
    (usually with the) the set of threads lying lengthwise in a loom during weaving (the other being the weft weft).
    1 alabear, combar, torcer
    2 figurative use pervertir, torcer
    1 alabearse, combarse
    2 (in wood) alabeo
    warp ['wɔrp] vt
    1) : alabear, combar
    2) pervert: pervertir, deformar
    warp vi
    : pandearse, alabearse, combarse
    warp n
    1) : urdimbre f
    the warp and the weft: la urdimbre y la trama
    2) : alabeo m (en la madera, etc.)
    alabear v.
    atoar v.
    combar v.
    encorvar v.
    mover con espia v.
    pandear v.
    torcer v.
    urdir v.
    alabeo de una tabla s.m.
    comba s.f.
    espia s.f.
    sesgo s.m.
    urdimbre s.f.
    wɔːrp, wɔːp
    1) ( Tex) urdimbre f
    2) ( twist) (no pl) alabeo m, pandeo m

    transitive verb \<\<wood/metal\>\> alabear, combar, pandear

    vi \<\<wood/metal\>\> alabearse, combarse, pandearse
    1. N
    1) (in weaving) urdimbre f
    2) [of wood] alabeo m, comba f
    2. VT
    1) [+ wood] alabear, combar
    2) (fig) [+ mind] pervertir
    VI [wood] alabearse, combarse
    * * *
    [wɔːrp, wɔːp]
    1) ( Tex) urdimbre f
    2) ( twist) (no pl) alabeo m, pandeo m

    transitive verb \<\<wood/metal\>\> alabear, combar, pandear

    vi \<\<wood/metal\>\> alabearse, combarse, pandearse

    English-spanish dictionary > warp

  • 8 warp

    I 1. [wo:p] verb
    1) (to make or become twisted out of shape: The door has been warped by all the rain we've had lately.) skriviti (se)
    2) (to cause to think or act in an abnormal way: His experiences had warped his judgement/mind.) popačiti
    2. noun
    (the shape into which something is twisted by warping: The rain has given this wood a permanent warp.) ukrivljenje
    II [wo:p] noun
    (usually with the) the set of threads lying lengthwise in a loom during weaving (the other being the weft [weft]). osnova pri tkanju
    * * *
    I [wɔ:p]
    nautical vlačilna vrv; geology gost mulj (glen); zvijanje, ukrivljenje (lesa); izkrivljenje, popačenje; osnova (pri tkanju)
    warp and woof — osnova in votek (pri tkanju), figuratively prepletenost
    warp land agronomy preplavljeno ali z blatom pognojeno zemljišče
    II [wɔ:p]
    transitive verb
    zviti, izkriviti (les itd.); namočiti z muljem, pognojiti (zemljo); spodrezati, pristriči nit, prejo (za tkanje), snovati, razporediti niti (preje) vzporedno; moralno pokvariti, popačiti, skaziti, imeti slab vpliv na, slabo delovati; odvrniti, zapeljati; sprevračati (dejstva), pačiti; nautical vleči z vrvmi ladjo vzdolž obale ali menjati sidrišče s pomočjo sidra
    his misfortunes warped his mind — nesreča ga je naredila čudaškega;
    intransitive verb
    zviti se, skriviti se; viti se; majati se, omahovati; vzeti napačno smer, skreniti; poetically oveneti; zgrbančiti se

    English-Slovenian dictionary > warp

  • 9 warp

    [wɔ:p, Am wɔ:rp] vi
    wood sich akk verziehen vt
    1) ( bend)
    to \warp sth wood etw verziehen;
    2) (fig: pervert)
    to \warp sb jdn [seelisch] verbiegen;
    the whole affair \warped him so much, he's now unable to start another relationship er ist von der ganzen Sache seelisch so angeknackst, dass er jetzt keine andere Beziehung eingehen kann ( fam)
    to \warp sb's mind jds Charakter m verderben n
    1) ( in wood) verzogene Stelle;
    there is a \warp in the shelf das Regal ist verzogen
    to have a \warp in one's character einen verbogenen [o ( fam) verkorksten] Charakter haben;
    to have a \warp in one's way of looking at things die Dinge verzerrt sehen, einen Knick in der Optik haben ( fam)
    time \warp Zeitverwerfung f;
    we've flown into a time \warp wir haben uns in Zeit und Raum verloren
    4) no pl ( threads) Kette f, Kettfäden mpl;
    \warp and weft Kette und Schuss

    English-German students dictionary > warp

  • 10 Weft-Faced Fabrics

    Cloths that have a preponderance of weft on the face due to the weave, as in the case of weft-faced satins, or to having a greater number of picks per inch than warp ends as in the case of imperials, swansdowns, moleskin, beavcrtcen and like fabrics.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Weft-Faced Fabrics

  • 11 Warp-Printed Fabrics

    In shadow cretonne the warp is printed prior to weaving, and the partly coloured threads are inter-woven with grey, bleached or very light-coloured wefts. This breaks up the solidity of the colour mass and tones down the whole colour effect in a manner that gives rise to the name " shadow cretonne." A shadow cretonne can be readily identified by abstracting a few picks of weft which will be found to be unprinted.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Warp-Printed Fabrics

  • 12 Warp Knitted Fabrics

    Fabrics knitted on the warp loom. They include plain and fancy locknit, tricot and Vandyke or atlas. Locknit is the most popular by reason of its ladderproof property. These fabrics are closer knitted and stretchless than weft-knitted fabrics. They are used largely for underwear, sportswear, gloves, etc.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Warp Knitted Fabrics

  • 13 Skin Of The Swan

    A very fine silk fabric in a close weave and fine counts. Manufactured and finished in a glossy style by French makers. Made 8-shaft weave as illustrated, the weft crosses two ends and bright silk is used. The weft showing on the surface gives the crepe effect. An inferior Peau de Cygne is made with the 5-shaft warp satin weave with the weft floating over one end only at each intersection. The cloth made with this weave is really Messaline.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Skin Of The Swan

  • 14 Design, Draft And Lifting Plan

    These three weaving terms are related to each other. Design refers to the manner in which the warp threads interweave with the weft. Draft is a term describing the manner in which the warp threads are drawn through the heald eyes. The lifting plan is the order in which the healds are lifted. In a tappet loom it indicates the manner in which the healds are tied to the tappet treadles. In the illustration A shows the design of a 4-shaft twill, B shows the draft on four heald staves, and C shows the lifting plan

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Design, Draft And Lifting Plan

  • 15 Shadow Stripes And Checks

    A cloth made with stripes by using warp yarns of different twists; one stripe has left-hand and the next right-hand twisted yarn. When dyed a shadowy effect is produced. The left-hand twisted yarn is usually tinted in sizing with a loose colour to enable the operatives to distinguish it from the other twist. " Shadow Fabrics " is the name given to this type of fabric in the woollen trade. They are made in all weights and in checks as well as stripes. Suiting fabrics are very popular in browns, blues, greys and blacks. Fine worsted yarns are general. Checks are also made with right- and reverse-twist yarns in the weft.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Shadow Stripes And Checks

  • 16 Extra Weft Figuring

    A method of adding ornament to a fabric. In this case, as in extra warp figuring, removal of the extra figuring threads leaves a complete woven structure. Extra weft may interweave with all the fabric ground threads, or only in parts, in which case the floating portions may be removed by cropping. There may be one, two or more extra wefts used and only one warp.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Extra Weft Figuring

  • 17 Extra Warp Figuring

    In this method of producing fancy fabrics, there are two or more series of warp threads and only one weft. This method has many advantages over extra weft figuring, viz., greater production, any number of colours can be used, a single shuttle only is necessary. A disadvantage of the system is that in most cases one or more extra warp beams are required.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Extra Warp Figuring

  • 18 Cretonnes, Warp Printed

    Plain weave cotton fabrics woven from yarn printed in the warp. Thick weft is used which gives a " chine " effect. A standard quality is 72 ends and 28 picks per inch, 2/40's T., 2/10's W. Made in 36-in., 40-m. and 52-m. widths. These fabrics are reversible as the pattern shows on both sides. Also known as " Shadow Cretonnes."

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Cretonnes, Warp Printed

  • 19 Gaze

    The French term for gauze, and there are many fabrics made in France to which this name is given. The most common are as follows: - Gaze a Bluter - Made in cotton or silk and used for sifting purposes. It is a plain gauze. Gaze Brilliantine - A high-class dress leno cloth made from all silk yams. Gaze an Fuseau - See Grille. Gaze Barege - Very light dress goods, silk warp, wool weft, or of all wool, often printed. Gaze Ceres - A fabric for making women's hats, silk warp and split straw weft. Leno weave. Seldom used today. Gaze Cristal - Very light French dress goods, silk warp, having small bright and dull spots alternating on the face. Gaze Damassee - A gauze fabric of silk warp and weft in which the design is produced with two wefts, either different colours or different material. Gaze Faconnee - A French gauze with brocade design woven one ground thread and one figuring thread alternately. Gaze Paconnee Broche - French gauze fabric, plain gauze, on which is hand embroidered various designs. Gaze Faconnee Raye - French gauze with warp stripes. Gaze de Fil - A French-made gauze, flax yarns, with a light starch finish, usually striped. Gaze d'ltalie - A French gauze, made of silk yams. Gaze de Paris - A French light-weight, silk dress fabric, made of organzine warp and trame weft. Gaze de Voilette - A French production made from all-silk yams in fine reeds and closely picked. A pure, very fine and transparent gauze. Gaze Filoche - A French all-silk leno fabric. Gaze Fond Filoche - An all-silk French gauze, organzine warp, grege weft, with bars across the weft formed by groups of picks. Gaze Lisse - A leno cloth, very light weight, made in France from undyed silk yams. Gaze Marabout - A very light, silk French gauze. Also a pile fabric made with very short plush stripes, alternating in three colours, over a thin gauze ground. Gaze Milanaise - A French light-weight dress fabric with equal number of ends and picks per inch. Made of " Milanaise " yarn. Gaze Ondee - A French very light dress cloth or trimming fabric made of organzine warp and weft on " ondee " silk. Gaze Perron - A French leno fabric, all silk, used for bordering on dresses. Gaze Platree - A striped French gauze, made of yellow silk and given a light starch finish. Gaze Tour Anglais - The French term for leno.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Gaze

  • 20 Gaberdine

    This term was known in the 16th century, when in the Merchant of Venice Shylock reminds Antonio that he " spat upon his Jewish gabardine," which indicates rather " a long cassock " than a cloak or mantle. Blount writes: "what is a gabardine"? "a rough Irish mantle," " a horseman's cloak," or " a long cassock." Palsgrave has " mantyll, a gabardine." Also known as Gallebardine (Italian) ———————— The gaberdine is a fabric having a whipcord effect made from worsted warp and cotton weft. It is usually woven on 11 staves as at A, in a dobby loom with a fine reed. The warp yarns are good quality botany worsted and well spun to give uniformity of surface in the finished cloth. The weft is twofold good quality cotton. Gaberdines are usually set with about twice as many ends as picks per inch. The following particulars give three typical cloths: - as A. Set 63-in. in the loom to finish 56/7-in. Cotton gaberdines are made in great quantities, 54-in. or wider, with super qualities of two-fold warp and weft. Some of the lower qualities have single yarns or single weft only. The 11-shaft warp face weave is mostly used, but some are made with the 3 X 1 warp twill An example of the better quality is 54-in. finished, 90 yard., 140 ends and 72 picks per inch, 2/60's T., 2/40's W. A popular quality of cotton gaberdine is made 54-in. finished, 90 yards, 172 ends and 100 picks per inch, 2/80's T., and 2/80's combed and gassed Sakel cotton. A lower variety is made 54-in. finished 90 yards, 162-ends per inch 2/60's Egyptian warp and 86 picks per inch of 24's super American weft. Both the worsted and cotton varieties are used for waterproofs and coatings. The dress goods styles are made 54-in. finished, 100 ends and 62 picks per inch 2/50's botany warp, 36's botany weft.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Gaberdine

См. также в других словарях:

  • warp and woof — noun a) The threads in a woven fabric, comprised of the warp (threads running lengthwise) and woof (threads running crosswise) to create a the texture of the fabric. The warp and woof of our lives, sensible, sensitive, a veritable 911, she was… …   Wiktionary

  • Warp — Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Warp beam — Warp Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Warp fabric — Warp Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Warp frame — Warp Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Warp knitting — Warp Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Warp lace — Warp Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Warp net — Warp Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Warp-net frame — Warp Warp, n. [AS. wearp; akin to Icel. varp a casting, throwing, Sw. varp the draught of a net, Dan. varp a towline, OHG. warf warp, G. werft. See {Warp}, v.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Weaving) The threads which are extended lengthwise in the loom, and …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • warp — [wôrp] n. [ME < OE wearp < base of weorpan, to throw, akin to Ger werfen < IE * werb < base * wer , to turn, bend > WORM] 1. a) a distortion, as a twist or bend, in wood or in an object made of wood, caused by contraction in drying …   English World dictionary

  • warp — ► VERB 1) make or become bent or twisted, typically from the action of heat or damp. 2) make abnormal; distort. 3) move (a ship) along by hauling on a rope attached to a stationary object ashore. ► NOUN 1) a distortion or twist in shape. 2) the… …   English terms dictionary

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